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Bushnell University Kellenberger Library help pages.

Guests may choose Advanced Search to find items in our library without logging in.

eBook Central (thousands of eBooks in every subject)  


DUE TO EXCESSIVE HEAT and a broken Air Conditioning system the Kellenberger Library will be closed intermittently this summer. Updates will be posted on and on the doors of the library.

Where to find alternate services…

Study rooms:

  • Commuter Lounge (2nd floor)
  • Hospitality Room (Womack Hall)

Computer use:

  • Commuter Lounge (2nd floor)


  • Student Life Lobby (Womack Hall ) ask for help at the front desk

During this time, the library staff will be working in a cooler area of the library which is not open to the public. To request library resources or to talk to a Librarian during this time, call (541) 684-7233 between 8:00am and 5:00pm OR email

library front entrance

828 E 11th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401
Circulation Desk: (541) 684-7233


Video Tutorials for Library Discovery

Searching EBSCOhost - Video Tutorials 

Library Discovery Service

20221027 - rrh

EBSCOhost Features (beyond searching) - More Video Tutorials

for making the most of your research time and effort

20221027 - rrh

Bushnell University Kellenberger Library | 828 E. 11th St., Eugene, Oregon 97401 | (541) 684-7233 |